Vitamins and minerals are essential supplements that we get by eating certain foods. We’ve all heard that our foods have certain medicinal qualities (like Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties), but sometimes what we eat doesn’t have enough of what our bodies need to stay healthy. So, we take vitamins and minerals to supplement our diet and keep us healthy.
Why are Multivitamins Important for Seniors?
Based on the Scientific Report for Dietary Guidelines of 2015, most Americans are deficient in: Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Folate, Vitamin C, Calcium, and Magnesium. What do these deficiencies mean to seniors? Calcium deficiencies can lead to lower bone density and Osteoporosis, while Magnesium deficiencies can lead to irregular heartbeat, muscle spasms, and weakness. It’s important to take these essential vitamins and minerals to ensure daily functions and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
While nothing replaces a healthy, balanced diet, a multivitamin to supplement your deficiencies is always a good idea in preventative senior healthcare. But, which multivitamins are right for you?
Which Multivitamins are Right for Seniors?
There are hundreds of multivitamins on pharmacy shelves these days, it can be difficult to decide which is the right supplement for you. However, you can consult with your doctor and discover which vitamins and minerals you are deficient in, and search for a multivitamin tailored to your needs.
However, you can make an educated decision when choosing a multivitamin that’s right for you. Here are three things to take into consideration:
- Do you have any existing medical issues or deficiencies?
If you know what your limitations are, you can take vitamins and minerals to help address those particular issues. For example, if you have arthritis, you can look for a multivitamin higher in Magnesium and Calcium. Or, if you have a history of high blood pressure, you can look for a multivitamin with higher levels of Vitamin E.
- Keep a Food Diary to Assess your Eating Habits
It’s startling what we can discover about our dietary habits simply by writing down what we eat. Keep a food diary for a week without changing any eating habits, and see how your diet compares to the food pyramid. If you find you aren’t eating as much protein as you should, your multivitamin should have Iron and Omega-3’s, but if you find that you aren’t eating as many veggies as you should, then your supplements will have more fiber.
- Know your Body
Do you ache in the winter? Are you particularly tired in the mornings? Every body is different, and therefore your vitamin and mineral supplement should be different as well. Vitamin D is helpful for energy and enhancing moods, and Vitamin B12 helps with metabolism as well as energy. Read and research what ails you, and try using vitamins and minerals to supplement your diet
Multivitamins Help Senior Health
When it comes to preserving an aging body, a balanced diet is one of the best preventative measures seniors can take to stay healthy. While a balanced, healthy diet is ideal, often diet alone is not enough to ensure seniors are getting the proper amount of vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.
Are you taking a multivitamin? Which supplement do you find has helped you the most? We’d love to hear from you!
Note: Alamo Companion Services is not a doctor and is not providing medical advice. Always consult with a doctor before adding supplements to your medicinal routine.